Murray Region Forestry Hub Blackberry Impacts Project

Purpose of Report

This report, commissioned by the Murray Region Forestry Hub, presents the findings from Stage 1 of a project aimed at understanding the impacts and challenges of managing blackberries across various land tenures, and to explore the potential to develop a collaborative strategy.

The Murray Region Forestry Hub sought to identify and work with key stakeholders (researchers, industries impacted, agencies, landholder groups and organisations) to understand the challenge and the impacts of blackberry infestations.

As the Murray Region Forestry Hub covers the plantation areas located from Gundagai (NSW) in the north to Mt Buller (Vic) in the south, this report outlines the strategic and policy context at a National level and for NSW and Victoria, describes what is currently known about the size and impact of blackberries for those areas, and gives an overview of the current controls and research. Stakeholder input has been used to shape the findings in this report, particularly the ideal scenario, gaps and opportunities, and a proposed way forward.

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