About the Forestry Hub
Our Membership
The Murray Region Forestry Hub is made up of the following members:
- Four local councils (Snowy Valleys Council, Cootamundra- Gundagai Regional Council, Greater Hume Shire Council, Albury City)
- Forestry Corp NSW, Hume Forests, HVP, (Forest Growers)
- Forest Industry Council (Representing harvesting & haulage contractors)
- Hyne Timber Tumbarumba, AKD Sawmills Tumut, and Visy Tumut (Processors)
- Department of Regional NSW
- Transport for NSW
- Regional Development Australia (Riverina and Murray)
This is largely the same as the membership of the Softwoods Working Group. Other Victorian processors and local government areas are also part of the Hub but are not yet part of the Hub Committee.
Peter Crowe OAM
Chair of the Hub
Peter Crowe OAM
Chair of the Hub
Peter is a graduate of Sydney University and the Australian Forestry School (Canberra). He was employed by the NSW Forest Service (Forestry Commission, State Forests NSW and Forests NSW) and served in various roles as a professional forester for over 40 years.
He has extensive field and managerial experience in the native forest (hardwood) and pine plantation (softwood) sectors. His career with the NSW government culminated with his appointment as the Executive General Manager of the NSW plantations estate from 2001 to 2006.
Since 2006 Peter has been a director in his own consulting business, servicing national and international clients and has travelled regularly and extensively to forest and plantation areas in South America, Scandinavia, South Africa, the UK and New Zealand.
Other organisations that he has served with include:
- NZ Radiata Pine Breeding Co-Operative (Director)
- Murray Regional Development Board
- RDA-Murray (Chair)
- Murray Catchment Management Committee
- Enviro Forest Solutions (Director)
- Coffs Harbour and Thurgoona Golf Clubs (President/Director)
He is currently the Chair of the Softwoods Working Group and is a Fellow of the institute of Foresters of Australia and a recipient of the NSW Public Service Medal. In 2021 he was awarded an OAM for services to the forest industry.
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Carlie Porteous
Hub Manager
Carlie Porteous
Hub Manager
Carlie brings more than 14 years' experience in the forestry industry to the new role having previously worked with all aspects of the value chain; contractors, growers, processors and government agencies. Carlie recognises that driving real change in business culture and achieving real commercial outcomes requires vulnerability, transparency and great communication skills, including the most important skill of all, listening.
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Terese Adams
Executive Assistant
Terese Adams
Executive Assistant
Terese has been the Executive Assistant to the Hub since 2021.
Our Hub is one of 11 that were initially funded in 2019 for three years by the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
In the May 2021 budget, a further $10.6 million was announced to continue the Forestry Hubs for a further three years and create new Hubs in the Northern Territory and south east NSW.