Current and Future Skills and Training Needs of the Forest and Timber Industry in the Murray Region Forestry Hub Area


The forest and timber industry in the Murray Region Forestry Hub area continues to play a major role in the rural and regional economy despite the impact of the disastrous 2019‐20 fires. Prior to this fire event, the industry provided around $1.3 billion annually in direct economic output, and directly employed nearly 2,500 people. In addition, around 4,500 people held indirect jobs that were dependent on the industry in the South West Slopes Forestry Hub region1. As of 2021, the industry employed slightly over 2,100 people2, including around 200 pulp and paper workers who were made redundant due to the closure of the Norske Skog Albury mill3. The economic consequences of the fires are still being assessed, but the industry remains a vital component of the socio‐economic fabric of communities in the Hub region.

The industry is facing a number of challenges that affect its ability to grow, including future prevention and management of bushfires, infrastructure damage, shortages of log supplies and
skilled workers and training costs. Other relevant operational issues such as environmental factors, and seasonality of timber supply are also relevant. Moreover, rapid changes like technological advances, more environmentally aware customers, responsible economic growth for a sustainable future, and the growth of the bioeconomy are creating new types of work and jobs. In order to remain competitive, businesses must plan for and manage the demand of their workforce and also develop the new skill sets needed. It is important to ensure the workforce of tomorrow has an appropriate and diverse set of skills (i.e.: employability, technical, enterprise, entrepreneurship, etc.) with which to stay competitive and thrive in the industry.
Government, industry, and educational institutions must collaborate to identify the skills and training that are necessary to meet industry needs and support the participation of workforce in relevant training programs.

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