NSW Agriculture Minister’s Advisory Group (AGMAG)

Diana Gibbs, Economic Advisor to Softwoods Working Group, has been invited to sit on the the NSW Agriculture Minister’s Advisory Group (AGMAG) as representative member of the softwood plantation sector and the community of the SW Slopes region. SWG welcomes the inclusion of the plantation sector as a recognised part of the agricultural sector in NSW.  The native forest sector is also included in AGMAG, via a representative from Timber NSW.

AGMAG is to replace the previous PIMAC (Primary Industries Ministers Advisory Committee), and has been established to provide the NSW Government with specific advice on a broad range of issues and opportunities facing the primary industries sector. It is intended to bring expertise and new ideas to enhance the strategic focus across the primary industries portfolio.

The Terms of Reference for the Group involve the provision of advice on the impact of government policies, legislation,services and fees to primary industries, and to advise the Minister of emerging issues and “blue sky” opportunities and their potential impact on the future operation and development of primary industries.  AGMAG will also explore, develop and resolve issues within primary industries through communication with stakeholders, and will provide the Minister with in-depth analysis of the impact of selected priority issues on primary industries as well as broader government and community objectives.  In particular, AGMAG is to provide strategic advice on biosecurity issues impacting on primary industries in NSW.


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